Ch3: Basic SQL Query Language
一. Setting up the Database
1. SQL Datatype
CHARACTER(n), CHAR(n): fixed-length character strings
CHARACTER VARYING(n), CHAR VARYING(n):variable-length character strings
NUMERIC(p, s), DECIMAL(p, s), DEC(p, s):
Precision: total number of digits
Scale:number of digits to the right of the decimal point
2.Oracle Datatype
Character Datatype
CHAR(n):fixed-length character strings(1 n $\leq$2000)
VARCHAR(n):variable-length character strings(1 n 4000)
LONG:variable-length character data(text data) (maximum size 2GB)
NUMBER Datatype
NUMBER:fixed and floating-point numbers
NUMBER(precision, scale)
NUMBER(*, scale)
Precision:total number of digits
Scale:number of digits to the right of the decimal point(default value is zero)
Negative Scale:rounds the actual data to the specified number of places to the left of the decimal point
3.SQL Statement
1) SQL statements for table creation for CAP database
1 | CREATE TABLE orders ( |
1 | CREATE TABLE orders ( |
1 | -- MYSQL |
2) Select Statement
1 | SELECT * | colname { , colname ... } |
二. Simple Select Statements
1. Relational Algebra与SQL语法对比
1. Query in relational algebra :
(R where Condition) [A, A, …, A]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select A1, A2,...,Am from R where Condition; |
2. Query in relational algebra :
((R R…R) where Condition) [A, A, …, A]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select A1, A2,...,Am from R1, R2,...,Rn where Condition; |
3. Query in relational algebra :
Head® = {A,…,A,B,…,B}, Head(S) = {B,…,B, C,…,C}
((RS) where Condition) [A, A, …, A]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select A1, A2,...,Am from R, S where Condition and R.B1 = S.B1 and R2.B2 = S.B2 and...and R.Bk = S.Bk; |
4. Query in relational algebra :
(R S) [A, A, …, A]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select A1, A2,...,Am from R,S where Condition; |
5. Query in relational algebra :
(AGENTS where city = ‘New York’) [aid, aname]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select aid, aname from agents where city = 'New York'; |
6. Query in relational algebra :
(CUSTOMERS) [cid, cname, city, discnt]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select * from Customers; |
1 | Select cid, cname, city, discnt from Customers; |
7. Query in relational algebra :
((C[cid, cname] O)A) [cname, aname];
((C O A) where C.cid = O.cid and O.aid = A.aid) [cname, aname]
Query in SQL:
1 | Select distinct cname, aname from customers, orders, agents where customers.cid = orders.cid and orders.aid = agents.aid; |
2. Some Examples
1. Display all values of customers in table CUSTOMERS.
1 | SELECT cid, cname, city, discnt FROM customers ; |
1 | SELECT * FROM customers ; |
2. Retrieve all (cname, aname) pairs where the customer places an order through the agent.
1 | SELECT distinct cname, aname |
1 | SELECT distinct cname, aname |
3. Get the names of customers who order at least one product priced at $0.50.
1 | SELECT cname |
4. Retrieve customers who place orders only through agent a03.
O [cid] - (O where aid <> ‘a03’) [cid]
1 | SELECT o1.cid |
5. List all pairs of customer cids based in the same city.
1 | Select c1.cid, c2.cid from customers c1, customers c2 where = and c1.cid < c2.cid; |
3. Table and column alias
Table alias in FROM clause
方法1:table_name as alias_name
方法2:table_name alias_name
column alias in SELECT clause
column_name as alias_name
SELECT aid, pid FROM orders ;
SELECT distinct aid, pid FROM orders ;
Find pids of products ordered by at least two customers.
1 | SELECT distinct pid |
1 | SELECT distinct pid |
三. Subqueries
1. The IN Predicate
1. Retrieve cids of customers who place orders with agents in Duluth or Dallas.
1 | select distinct cid |
1 | select distinct cid |
2. Get all information concerning agents based in Duluth or Dallas.
1 | SELECT * |
3. Get the names and discounts of all customers who place orders through agents in Duluth or Dallas.
1 | SELECT cname, discnt |
4. Find the names of customers who order product p05.
1 | Select distinct cname |
1 | Select distinct cname |
5. Get cids of customers who place an order through at least one agent who places an order for product p03
T1 := (O where pid = ‘p03’) [aid]
T2 := (T1 $\infty $ O) [cid]
1 | select o2.cid from orders o1, orders o2 |
1 | select o2.cid from orders o2 where o2.aid IN |
6. Get cids of all customers who have the same discount as any customer in Dallas or Boston.
T1 := (C where city = ‘Dallas’ or city = ‘Boston’) [discnt]
T2 := (T1 C) [cid]
1 | select c2.cid from customers c1, customers c2 |
1 | select c2.cid from customers c2 where c2.discnt IN |
7. Get pids of products not ordered by any customer living in a city whose name begin with the letter D.
1 | select from products p where NOT IN |
注意:IN 操作符允许您在 WHERE 子句中规定多个值。
4. Find ordno values for all orders placed by customers in Duluth through agents in New York.
1 | SELECT ordno |
2. The Quantified Comparison Predicate
expr { SOME | ANY | ALL } ( subquery )
1. Find aid values of agents with a minimum percent commission.
1 | SELECT aid |
1 | Select aid |
2. Find all customers who have the same discount as that of any of the customers in Dallas or Boston.
1 | SELECT cid, cname |
3. Get cid values of customers with discnt smaller than those of any customers who live in Duluth.
1 | SELECT cid, cname |
4. Find cid values of customers with discnt smaller than a customer who lives in Duluth.
1 | SELECT cid |
1) > ALL 父查询中的结果集大于子查询中每一个结果集中的值,则为真
2) > ANY, SOME 父查询中的结果集大于子查询中任意一个结果集中的值,则为真
3) = ANY 与子查询 IN相同
4) <> ANY 与 NOT IN 父查询中的结果集不等于子查询中的a或者b或者c,则为真
3. The EXISTS Predicate
exists,not exists的使用方法示例,需要的朋友可以参考下。
1 | create table t_student |
1 | create table select_course |
1 | create table COURSE |
(1)select * from select_course sc,t_student ts,course c where and sc.course_id=c.id存在null,
这说明(2)select * from course c 的查询结果中确实有记录不存在(1查询中),查询结果返回没有选的课程,
此时select * from t_student ts 后的not exists 判断结果为false,不执行查询。
1 | select id, name from t_student ts where not exists |
1 | select id, name from t_student ts, |
select * from select_course sc,t_student ts,courses c where and 有一条为空,
即not exists null 为true,此时select * from courses有查询结果(id为子查询中的 ),
因此select id,name from t_student 将执行查询(id为子查询中 )。
1 | select id,name from t_student where exists |
1 | select id name from t_student where (id ,name) NOT IN |
如果他选修了一门select * from course结果集不为空,not exists 判断结果为false;
select id,name from t_student 不执行查询。
1 | select id,name from t_student where not exists |
1 | select id, name from t_student where id NOT IN |
1 | select id,name from t_student where exists |
1 | select id, name from t_student where (id, name) NOT IN |
注意:在插入记录前,需要检查这条记录是否已经存在,只有当记录不存在时才执行插入操作,可以通过使用 EXISTS 条件句防止插入重复记录。
Relational Algebra | SQL Predicate |
natural join | IN |
=SOME | |
difference | NOT IN |
<>ALL | |
1. Retrieve all customer names where the customer places an order through agent a05.
1 | Select distinct c.cname |
1 | select distinct c.cname |
2. Find all customer names where the customer does not place an order through agent a05.
1 | SELECT cname |
1 | SELECT cname |
3. Find cids of all customers who don’t place any order through agent a03.
1 | SELECT cid |
1 | SELECT cid |
not in和not exists的区别:
1. not in 只有当子查询中,select 关键字后的字段有not null约束或者有这种暗示时用not in,另外如果主查询中表大,子查询中的表小但是记录多,则应当使用not in,
1 | select * from class where cid not in |
2. 当表中cid存在null值,not in 不对空值进行处理
1 | select * from class where cid not in |
not in的执行顺序是:是在表中一条记录一条记录的查询(查询每条记录)符合要求的就返回结果集,不符合的就继续查询下一条记录,直到把表中的记录查询完。也就是说为了证明找不到,所以只能查询全部记录才能证明,并没有用到索引。
not exists:如果主查询表中记录少,子查询表中记录多,并有索引。
1 | select * from class2 |
not exists的执行顺序是:在表中查询,是根据索引查询的,如果存在就返回true,如果不存在就返回false,不会每条记录都去查询。
之所以要多用not exists,而不用not in,也就是not exists查询的效率远远高与not in查询的效率。
4. The LIKE Predicate
1. Get pids of products not ordered by any customer living in a city whose name begin with the letter D.
1 | SELECT |
2. Retrieve cid values of customers whose cname does not have a third letter equal to ‘%’.
1 | Select cid |
注意:% 原为通配符,指定用 ’ \ '符号来说明跟在其后面的通配符字符为普通字符。
3. Retrieve cid values of customers whose cname begins “Tip_” and has an arbitrary number of characters following.
1 | Select cid |
4. Retrieve cid values of customers whose cname starts with the sequence “ab\”.
1 | Select * |
( 连续的两个转义指示字符表示 ‘转义指示符 ’自己)
‘A_Z’: 所有以 ‘A’ 起头,另一个任何值的字原,且以 ‘Z’ 为结尾的字串。
‘ABC%’: 所有以 ‘ABC’ 起头的字串。
‘%XYZ’: 所有以 ‘XYZ’ 结尾的字串。
‘%AN%’: 所有含有 ‘AN’ 这个套式的字串。
使用 ESCAPE 关键字定义转义符。
WHERE ColumnA LIKE ‘%5/%%’ ESCAPE ‘/’ 即 ‘/’为转义字符,第二个‘%’为普通字符,第一、第三个为通配符。
5. The NULL Predicate
IS NULL 判断某个字符是否为空,并不代表空字符或者是0
=NULL 是判断某个值是否等于NULL
总之,要判断一个数是否等于NULL只能用 IS NULL 或者 IS NOT NULL 来判断
1 | -- 选择非空列 |
6.Example of Subqueries
1. Retrieve all customer names where the customer places an order through agent a05.
1 | SELECT distinct cname |
1 | SELECT distinct cname |
1 | SELECT distinct cname |
2. Get cids of customers who order both products p01 and p07.
1 | SELECT o1.cid FROM orders o1, orders o2 |
1 | SELECT o1.cid FROM orders o1 |
1 | Select cid from orders where pid = 'p01' |
3. Get cids of customers who place an order through at least one agent who places an order for product p03.
T1 := (O where pid = ‘p03’)[aid]
T2 := (T1 O) [cid]
1 | SELECT o2.cid |
4. Get cids of all customers who have the same discount as any customer in Dallas or Boston.
1 | SELECT c1.cid |
5. Find all customer names where the customer does not place an order through agent a05.
((C[cid] – (O where aid = ‘a05’) [cid]) C) [cname]
1 | SELECT cname |
1 | SELECT cname |
注意:此处可以看见NOT EXISTS需要将索引联结起来;而NOT IN则不需要
6. Find all cid, aid pairs where the customer does not place an order through the agent.
1 | SELECT cid, aid |
1 | SELECT cid, aid |
注意:此处也可以看见NOT EXISTS需要将索引联结起来;而NOT IN则不需要
7. Get the names of customers who order at least one product priced at $0.50.
1 | SELECT cname |
8. Retrieve customers who place orders only through agent a03
O [cid] - (O where aid <> ‘a03’) [cid]
1 | SELECT o1.cid |
四.UNION Operators and FOR ALL Conditions
1. The UNION Operator(并集/交集拓展)
1. Retrieve all cities where either a customer or an agent, or both, is based.
1 | select city from customers |
1 | select city from customers |
1 | select city from customers |
如果我们需要将两个或多个select语句的结果作为一个整体显示出来,这是我们就需要用到union或者union all关键字。
union和union all的区别是,union会自动压缩多个结果集合中的重复结果,而union all则将所有的结果全部显示出来,不管是不是重复。
1. Get cid values of customers who order both products p01 and p07.
(Orders where pid = ‘p01’) [cid] (Orders where pid = ‘p07’) [cid]
1 | select o1.cid from Orders o1 |
1 | select cid from (select cid from Orders where pid = 'p01') t1, |
2. The Division Operation in Relational Algebra
1. 可将关系代数中的除法运算转换为SQL语句的NOT EXISTS二重条件判断
2. 写出关系代数式(包含除法运算)根据表关系构造NOT EXISTS二重条件判断
3. NOT EXISTS判断为Select *,且需要建立索引
1. Find cids of customers who place orders with ALL agents based in New York.
o[cid, aid] (a where city=‘New York’)[aid]
1 | SELECT c.cid |
2. Get the aid values of agents in New York or Duluth who place orders for all products costing more than a dollar.
1 | SELECT aid |
3. Find aid values of agents who place orders for product p01 as well as for all products costing more than a dollar.
1 | SELECT aid FROM agents a |
4. Get cids of customers who order all products that anybody orders.
O[cid, pid] ÷ O[pid]
1 | SELECT c.cid FROM customers c |
5. Get aids of agents who take orders on at least that set of products ordered by c004.
O[aid, pid] ÷ (O where cid = ‘c004’)[pid]
1 | SELECT a.aid |
6. Get cids for customers with the following property:
If customer c006 orders a product x through agent y, so the customer orders the product x through the agent y.
1 | SELECT cid |
7. Get aids of agents who place orders for all customers who place orders for all products costing more than a dollar through the agent.
1 | SELECT aid |
Relational Algebra:
R(x, y) S(y)
Relational Calculus:
z ( y ( P(z, y) )) z ( y ( P(z, y) ))
3. Set Functions in SQL(聚合函数)
1. Get the total dollar amount of all orders.
1 | select sum ( dollars ) as totaldollars |
2. Get the total quantity of product p03 that has been ordered.
1 | select sum ( qty ) as TOTAL |
3. List the cid values of all customers who have a discount less than the maximum discount.
1 | select cid |
4. Find products ordered by at least two customers.
1 | select |
1. 此处表示至少有两个顾客购买的产品;
2. 具体语句运行过程:
a. 先将两表连接;
b. 然后返回相等pid下cid不重复的记录数;
c. 若相同pid的该记录数大于2,则返回其pid;
1 | select from ( |
1. 先将orders表pid,cid不重复记录分组构造新表t;
2. 再将produsts表与t表连接,最后返回cid不重复记录数大于2的pid;
1 | SELECT pid |
注意:使用Group By对pid进行分组,Having对cid进行过滤
1. count(*):获取数量
2. sum():求和(这里要注意求和是忽略null值的,null与其他数值相加结果为null,所以可以通过ifnull(xxx,0)将null的值赋为0
3. avg():求平均数
4. max():求最大值
5. min():求最小值
4. Groups of Rows in SQL
GROUP BY clause & HAVING clause
from–where–group by–having–select–order by
group by:如何将上面过滤出的数据分组
order by:按照什么样的顺序来查看返回的数据
GROUP BY语句用来与聚合函数(aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX.)联合使用来得到一个或多个列的结果集。
因为聚合函数通过作用于一组数据而只返回一个单个值,因此,在SELECT语句中出现的元素要么为一个聚合函数的输入值,要么为GROUP BY语句的参数,否则会出错。
1 | SELECT id, COUNT(course) as numcourse, score |
Column ‘student.score’ is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
1 | SELECT id, COUNT(course) as numcourse, AVG(score) as avgscore |
1. Find the agent name and aid, and the product name and pid, together with the total quantity each agent supplies of that product to customers c002 and c003.
1 | SELECT a.aid, a.aname,, p.pname, sum(qty) |
注意:多表连接也可以使用Group By进行分组
例如说明现在有一个这样的表:每个部门有多少人 就要用到分组的技术
1 | select DepartmentID as '部门名称', |
这个就是使用了group by +字段进行了分组,其中我们就可以理解为我们按照了部门的名称ID,DepartmentID将数据集进行了分组;然后再进行各个组的统计数据分别有多少;
通俗一点说:group by 字段1,字段2。。。(整个表中不止这两个字段)表示数据集中字段1相等,字段2也相等的数据归为一组,只显示一条数据。那么你可以对字段3进行统计(求和,求平均值等);
3.MySQL中group by的时候字段不加聚合函数的情况
首先对于不加聚合函数的sql语句来说,它的功能结合了limit来得出结果,仔细想想的时候有点Oracle分析函数的味道,limit的时候得到的并不是最大最小的值(元素按照原来在表中的默认顺序结合分组),而是某一下group by结果集中第一行,也就是刚才说的相当于先group by, 然后在每个group by下面进行limit 1。
其次,刚才还说了常规的group by结合聚合函数的时候,选择的字段除了聚合函数外,必须在group by中存在,但是在mysql中不是这样了,它具有隐含字段的功能,例如:
1 | select a,b,c,count(*) from test1 group by a,b; |
a | b | c | count(*) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
1 | 2 | 5 | 3 |
注意:对于没有选择的字段,上面是c,c的值还是和上面说到的一样,是根据得到的结果集然后根据每个group by 进行limit 1得到的结果。
HAVING语句通常与GROUP BY语句联合使用,用来过滤由GROUP BY语句返回的记录集。
1. Find all product and agent IDs and the total quantity ordered of the product by the agent, when this quantity exceeds 1000.
1 | SELECT pid, aid, sum(qty) as total |
2. Provide pid values of all products purchased by at least two customers.
1 | SELECT pid |
3. Find the average, over all agents, of the maximum dollar sales made by each agent.
1 | SELECT avg ( t.x ) |
1 | SELECT avg ( select max ( dollars ) from orders ) |
5. Insert, Update, and Delete Statements
1) The Insert Statement
1 | INSERT INTO tablename [ ( colname, ...... ) ] |
- 带有子查询
1 | INSERT INTO T_ReaderFavorite2 (FCategoryId, FReaderId) |
这里使用SELECT FCategoryId,FReaderId FROM T_ReaderFavorite将T_ReaderFavorite表中的数据读出,然后使用INSERT INTO T_ReaderFavorite2(FCategoryId,FReaderId)将检索结果插入到T_ReaderFavorite2 表中,注意上下的列顺序必须是一一对应的。
1 | INSERT INTO T_ReaderFavorite(FCategoryId,FReaderId) |
2) The Update Statements
1 | UPDATE tablename |
1. Give all customers who have total orders of more than $1000 a 10% increase in the discnt they receive.
1 | UPDATE customers |
1 | UPDATE customers c |
- 多张表UPDATE用法
- 当用一个表中的数据来更新另一个表中的数据,T-SQL提供多种写法(下面列出了二种),但建议用第一种写法,虽然传统,但结构清晰。
1 | update t1 set t1.c2 = t2.c2 |
1 | Update t1 set t1.c2 = t2.c2 |
1 | Update t1 set t1.c2 = t2.c2 |
1 | select... from table1 inner join table2 |
1 | select... from table1 inner join table2 |
1 | select... from table1, table2 |
1 | select... from table1 |
1 | select... from table1,table2,table3 |
1 | select... from table1 |
- FROM 子句中指定的表的别名不能作为 SET column_name 子句中被修改字段的限定符使用。
1 | UPDATE titles |
- 若要使上例合法,请从列名中删除别名 t 或使用本身的表名。
1 | UPDATE titles |
- 更新多列
1 | update mytab a |
1. 多表关联update的时候,记得要加exists()条件,否则不满足条件的记录被update称NULL:
比如:stu表存在,但stu1表不存在的数据,对应的字段会被update成NULL;2. oracle在进行更新时无法join, 所以我们用exists来进行连表条件查询,相当于mytab表和goal表关联,当id相等时才执行更新!
- Update与判断操作的结合
1. if(true,a,b), if(false,a,b) 这个就是第一个如果是true,就等于a,false就等于b,有点像三元表达式
2. case when then else end
1 | update salary set sex = if(sex = 'm','f','m'); |
3) The Delete Statement
1 | DELETE |
多表删除是指从一个或多个表中删除满足条件的数据,其中的 table_references代表了多个表的join操作,例如以下两个例子代表
从t 1和t 2表中删除满足条件的数据
1 | DELETE FROM somelog WHERE user = 'jcole' ORDER BY timestamp_column LIMIT 1; |
- 对多表删除语句而言,如果想对表使用别名,则只能在 table_references子句中使用,否则会报错。
1 | DELETE a1, a2 FROM t1 AS a1 INNER JOIN t2 AS a2 ON; -- 正确 |
1. Give all agents in New York a 10% raise in the percent commission they earn on an order.
1 | UPDATE agents |
2. Give all customers who have total orders of more than $1000 a 10% increase in the discnt they receive.
1 | UPDATE customers |
3. Delete all agents in New York.
1 | DELETE FROM agents |
4. Delete all agents who have total orders of less than $600.
1 | DELETE FROM agents |
Ch4.Object-Relational SQL
一. Object Types
- 对象类型的创建与删除
1 | CREATE TYPE typename AS OBJECT |
1 | DROP TYPE typename; |
- 创建一个 ’姓名’(name_t) 类型
1 | CREATE TYPE name_t AS OBJECT ( |
- 使用已有的对象类型来创建新的类型或表
1 | CREATE TYPE person_t AS OBJECT ( |
- CREATE TABLE tablename OF typename
{ ( constraint-define ) } ;
1 | CREATE TABLE people OF person_t (PRIMARY KEY(ssno)) ; |
- 对象值的创建
1 | Insert into teachers values |
- 对象值的查询
1 | Select t.tid, t.name_t.fname, t.name_t.lname |
- 对象值的更新
1) 修改元组中的对象属性值
1 | update people p |
2) 修改某个对象属性值的成员属性
1 | update people p |
3) 修改整个元组
1 | update people p |
- 对象的引用类型:REF < object type >
- 在使用含有 REF类型的对象类型(Object Type)来创建关系表时,必须使用Scope for子句来限制REF属性的取值范围。
1) 定义类型之间的引用关系
customer_t, agents_t, products_t
1 | create type customer_t as object ( |
1 | create type agent_t as object ( |
1 | create type product_t as object ( |
定义类型之间的引用关系 :
1 | create type order_t as object ( |
(新增三个REF属性,分别引用(指向)三个不同的元组对象(Row Object))
2) 创建含有引用类型的关系表
使用前面定义的对象类型创建基本关系表 :
1 | create table customers of customer_t |
1 | create table products of product_t |
1 | create table agents of agent_t |
1 | create table orders of order_t ( |
3) 引用关系查询
1 | select o.ordno, o.ordcust.cname |
1. Find pid values of products that have been ordered by at least two customers.
1 | select distinct |
ordcust 承担起了 cid 所担负的责任!
1 | select distinct |
4) 函数与谓词
- 函数与谓词
1.获取对象(元组)的引用指针: REF(……)
2.返回引用指针所指向对象的值: DEREF(……)
1. Retrieve all customer names where the customer does not place an order through agent a05.
1 | select c.cname |
1 | select o.cid from orders o |
1 | select o.cid from orders o |
5) 类型的循环嵌套定义
- 对象类型(object type)不能嵌套定义,但 REF 关系可以实现嵌套引用。
1 | create type police_officer_t as object |
- 可以使用对象类型 police_officer_t 来创建表
1 | create table police_officers of police_officer_t |
- 在表 police_officers 上的对象查询的例子
1. Retrieve the last names of all police officers who have partners over sixty years of age.
1 | select p.pol_person.pname.lname |
6) 其它约束
- 有关 REF定义的其它约束 (REF Dependencies)
1) 两张表之间的相互 REF关系的定义
首先,定义两个具有相互REF关系的对象类型 (create type …… )
2) 两个具有相互REF关系的表/类型的删除
在删除类型(drop type)之前需要先删除表(drop table)
在删除类型(drop type)时需要采用强制删除的方式
1 | DROP TYPE typename FORCE; |
1 | update orders o |
二. Collection Types(集合类型)
1.Table Types ( Nested Tables )
1) 创建一个新的表类型 (table type)
1 | CREATE TYPE dependents_t |
2) 使用类型dependents_t来定义表employees中的属性并形成一个嵌套表(nested table)定义。
1 | create table employees ( |
3) Nested table的访问
table ( … ) 的使用
Oracle 不支持直接对嵌套表属性的统计查询功能,即下述的统计查询操作是错误的:
3select count(e.dependents)
from employees e
where e.eid = 101;应为:
4Select count(*)
From table (
select e.dependents
from employees e where e.eid = 101);Oracle 数据库没有提供 nested table 的相等比较运算。
可以使用 IN 操作符来实现某些需要通过 nested table 进行的查询功能
1. Retrieve eids with dependents that have name given by
name_t(‘Lukas’, ‘David’, ‘E’)1
4select eid from employees e
where name_t(‘Lukas’, ‘David’, ‘E’) in
( select d.pname
from table(e.dependents) d);Nested Cursors (嵌套游标)
(i) 普通的查询操作
3select e.eid, d.ssno as dep_sso
from employees e, table(e.dependents) d
where d.age < 16;(ii) 使用 nested cursor 的查询操作
4select e.eid, cursor(select d.ssno as dep_ssno
from table(e.dependents) d
where d.age < 16) dep_tab
from employees e;
2.Array Types
1) Array Types for VARRAYs
1. 自定义一个TYPE使用 VARRAY来得到一个数组但只能对基本类型定义。
2. VARRAY数据结构可存储相同类型元素的一个固定大小的连续集合。
3. VARRAY用于存储数据的有序集合,但它往往是更加有用认为数组作为相同类型的变量的集合。
- 一个VARRAY类型是用CREATE TYPE语句创建。必须指定最大长度,并存储在 VARRAY元素的类型。
PL/SQL 块创建 VRRAY类型的基本语法:
1 | TYPE varray_type_name IS VARRAY(n) of <element_type> |
create type extensions_t as varray(4) of int;
使用 Array Types 定义表中的属性
1 | create table phonebook ( |